Why You Need a Car Accident Attorney

If you’ve been hurt in a car crash because of another driver’s actions, you might be eligible for a substantial recovery. You could be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, property damage, pain and suffering, and other damages. In order to collect the compensation you are owed, however, you need to take all the right steps. You need to file the right insurance claims, gather the right evidence, make the right arguments, and get your case in court when necessary. To do it right, you need a seasoned car accident lawyer on your team.
Below, we discuss the advantages of hiring a car crash attorney for your case. Call a dedicated Southern California auto accident lawyer at Machtinger Law for advice and assistance after a traffic accident in Los Angeles or Orange County.
Identify the Right Evidence and Arguments
You’ll need to collect the right kind of evidence and make the right kinds of arguments in order to win your personal injury case. Even if you are just negotiating with the insurance company, it’s important to know what evidence and legal arguments are persuasive. A knowledgeable car crash lawyer can help identify and collect all relevant evidence, including witness statements, video recordings, medical reports, etc. Your lawyer will also have a much better sense of the kinds of arguments that work when dealing with insurance companies, defense attorneys, and judges and juries. To build the strongest case and secure a full recovery quickly, you need a seasoned personal injury lawyer on your side.
Avoid Critical Mistakes
A lot can go wrong with a legal claim. For example, if you take too long to file an insurance claim, send a demand letter, or file a case in civil court, you could lose out on your chance for recovery. There’s a two-year “statute of limitations” for most personal injury claims in California, and if you file a lawsuit after the two-year deadline, the court can throw out your case. Different deadlines may apply for special cases, such as claims against government agencies or claims involving medical malpractice.
The statute of limitations deadline is just one example of how your case can quickly go awry if you’re not familiar with all of the administrative rules and regulations surrounding your claims. An experienced traffic accident lawyer can ensure that your case does not fall through the cracks because of an error.
Rely on Experienced Negotiators
Insurance companies handle these types of claims every day. They know how to make accident victims feel like their claims are unsupported or are worth less than they should be. They know how to delay communications, inundate you with paperwork, and utilize other tactics to get you to agree to a settlement that does not actually cover your true damages. They have experienced negotiators and litigators on their side; why shouldn’t you?
A seasoned car accident lawyer can identify and deal with every dirty trick utilized by insurance companies and defense attorneys. The very fact that you hired a lawyer shows them that you mean business and that you will not be intimidated or deceived into accepting less compensation than you are due.
Focus on Your Recovery
In addition to the legal expertise brought by experienced personal injury attorneys, retaining an attorney allows you to focus on the rest of your life. If you’ve been in a serious car accident, you’ve likely got a lot on your mind: getting your car fixed, getting back to work, dealing with doctor’s appointments, recovering from painful and debilitating injuries, etc. Filing insurance claims, negotiating with the insurance company, filing a lawsuit, and all other steps of your personal injury claim take substantial time, effort, and energy. Let a professional take care of the legal side of things while you deal with getting your life back on track.
Maximize Your Compensation
Having a personal injury lawyer gives you all of the advantages discussed above. Ultimately, what that gets you is peace of mind and a much better shot at a comprehensive recovery. Accident victims who are represented by qualified counsel tend to score much more compensation, whether through an out-of-court settlement or a verdict at trial. If you want to get all of your medical bills covered and secure all other damages to which you may be entitled, you are much better off if you have a good lawyer on your side.
Call Today for Zealous Representation and Seasoned Advice After a Car Crash in Los Angeles or Orange County
If you or a loved one was seriously hurt or worse in a traffic accident in Los Angeles or Orange County, call Machtinger Law for advice and representation from a thorough, successful Southern California automobile accident attorney.